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max : v; return Math.min(Math.max(v,min),max); }; // Date me.dformat = me.dformat.replace(/\//g, me.dseparator); me.invalidDates = me.invalidDates.replace( /\s+/g, '' ); if( me.dropdownRange.indexOf( ':' ) == -1 ) me.dropdownRange = '-10:+10'; if( !/^\s*$/.test( me.invalidDates ) ) { var dateRegExp = new RegExp( /^\d{1,2}\/\d{1,2}\/\d{4}$/ ), counter = 0, dates = me.invalidDates.split( ',' ); me.invalidDates = []; for( var i = 0, h = dates.length; i < h; i++ ) { var range = dates[ i ].split( '-' ); if( range.length == 2 && range[0].match( dateRegExp ) != null && range[1].match( dateRegExp ) != null ) { var fromD = new Date( range[ 0 ] ), toD = new Date( range[ 1 ] ); while( fromD <= toD ) { me.invalidDates[ counter ] = fromD; var tmp = new Date( fromD.valueOf() ); tmp.setDate( tmp.getDate() + 1 ); fromD = tmp; counter++; } } else { for( var j = 0, k = range.length; j < k; j++ ) { if( range[ j ].match( dateRegExp ) != null ) { me.invalidDates[ counter ] = new Date( range[ j ] ); counter++; } } } } } // Time me.minHour = _checkValue( me.minHour, 0, 23 ); me.maxHour = _checkValue( me.maxHour, 0, 23 ); me.minMinute = _checkValue( me.minMinute, 0, 59 ); me.maxMinute = _checkValue( me.maxMinute, 0, 59 ); me.stepHour = _checkValue( me.stepHour, 1, Math.max( 1, me.maxHour - me.minHour ) ); me.stepMinute = _checkValue( me.stepMinute, 1, Math.max( 1, me.maxMinute - me.minMinute ) ); // Set handles me._setHndl('minDate'); me._setHndl('maxDate'); }, get_hours:function() { var me = this, str = '', i = 0, h, from = ( me.tformat == 12 ) ? 1 : me.minHour, to = ( me.tformat == 12 ) ? 12 : me.maxHour; while( ( h = from + me.stepHour * i ) <= to ) { if( h < 10 ) h = '0'+''+h; str += ''; i++; } return ':'; }, get_minutes:function() { var me = this, str = '', i = 0, m, n = (me.minHour == me.maxHour)?me.minMinute : 0, x = (me.minHour == me.maxHour)?me.maxMinute : 59; while( ( m = n + me.stepMinute * i ) <= x ) { if( m < 10 ) m = '0'+''+m; str += ''; i++; } return ''; }, get_ampm:function() { var str = ''; if( this.tformat == 12 ) { return ''; } return str; }, set_dateTime:function() { var me = this, str = $( '#'+me.name+'_date' ).val(); if( me.showTimepicker && str!="") { str += ' '+$( '#'+me.name+'_hours' ).val(); str += ':'+$( '#'+me.name+'_minutes' ).val(); if( $( '#'+me.name+'_ampm' ).length ) str += $( '#'+me.name+'_ampm' ).val(); } $( '#'+me.name ).val( str ).change(); }, set_minDate:function(v, ignore) { var e = $('[id*="'+this.name+'"].hasDatepicker'); if(e.length) { e.datepicker('option', 'minDate', (ignore) ? null : v); e.change(); } }, set_maxDate:function(v, ignore) { var e = $('[id*="'+this.name+'"].hasDatepicker'); if(e.length) { e.datepicker('option', 'maxDate', (ignore) ? null : v); e.change(); } }, set_DefaultDate : function() { var me = this, p = { dateFormat: me.dformat.replace(/yyyy/g,"yy"), minDate: me._getAttr('minDate'), maxDate: me._getAttr('maxDate') }, dp = $( "#"+me.name+"_date" ), dd = (me.defaultDate != "") ? me.defaultDate : ( ( me.predefined != "" ) ? me.predefined : new Date() ); dp.click( function(){ $(document).click(); $(this).focus(); } ); if(me.showDropdown ) p = $.extend(p,{changeMonth: true,changeYear: true,yearRange: me.dropdownRange}); p = $.extend(p, {beforeShowDay:(function(w,i) { return function(d){return [me._validateDate(d, w, i), ""];};})(me.working_dates, me.invalidDates)}); dp.datepicker(p); if(!me.predefinedClick) dp.datepicker( "setDate", dd); if(!me._validateDate(dp.datepicker("getDate"), me.working_dates, me.invalidDates)) dp.datepicker( "setDate", ''); }, set_DefaultTime : function() { var me = this, _setValue = function( f, v, m ) { v = Math.min( v*1, m*1 ); v = ( v < 10 ) ? 0+''+v : v; $( '#' + f + ' [value="' + v + '"]' ).prop( 'selected', true ); }; if( me.showTimepicker ) { var parts, time = {}, tmp = 0, max_minutes = 59; if( ( parts = /(\d{1,2}):(\d{1,2})\s*([ap]m)?/gi.exec( me.defaultTime ) ) != null ) { time[ 'hour' ] = parts[ 1 ]*1+((parts.length == 4 && /pm/i.test(parts[3]) && parts[1] != 12) ? 12 : 0); time[ 'minute' ] = parts[ 2 ]; } else { var d = new Date(); time[ 'hour' ] = d.getHours(); time[ 'minute' ] = d.getMinutes(); } time[ 'hour' ] = Math.min(Math.max(time[ 'hour' ], me.minHour), me.maxHour); if(time[ 'hour' ] <= me.minHour) time[ 'minute' ] = Math.max(time['minute'],me.minMinute); if(me.maxHour <= time[ 'hour' ]) time[ 'minute' ] = Math.min(time['minute'],me.maxMinute); _setValue( me.name+'_hours', ( me.tformat == 12 ) ? ( ( time[ 'hour' ] > 12 ) ? time[ 'hour' ] - 12 : ( ( time[ 'hour' ] == 0 ) ? 12 : time[ 'hour' ] ) ) : time[ 'hour' ], ( me.tformat == 12 ) ? 12 : me.maxHour ); _setValue( me.name+'_minutes', time[ 'minute' ], (time[ 'hour' ] == me.maxHour) ? me.maxMinute : 59); $( '#'+me.name+'_ampm'+' [value="' + ( ( time[ 'hour' ] < 12 ) ? 'am' : 'pm' ) + '"]' ).prop( 'selected', true ); } }, show:function() { var me = this, n = me.name, attr = 'value', format_label = [], date_tag_type = 'text', disabled = '', date_tag_class = 'field date'+me.dformat.replace(/[^a-z]/ig,"")+' '+me.size+((me.required && me.showDatepicker)?' required': ''); if( me.predefinedClick ) attr = 'placeholder'; if( me.showDatepicker ) format_label.push(me.dformat); else{ date_tag_type = 'hidden'; disabled='disabled';} if( me.showTimepicker ) format_label.push('HH:mm'); return '
'+( ( me.showTimepicker ) ? ' '+me.get_hours()+me.get_minutes()+' '+me.get_ampm() : '' )+''+me.userhelp+'
'; }, after_show:function() { function closeOtherDatepicker(){ $('#ui-datepicker-div').css("display","none"); } setTimeout(closeOtherDatepicker,100); var me = this, date_format = 'date'+me.dformat.replace(/[^a-z]/ig,""), validator = function( v, e ) { try { var _dp = $.datepicker, _fb = $.fbuilder, p = e.name.replace('_date', '').split('_'), _index = (p.length > 1) ? '_'+p[ 1 ] : '', item = ('forms' in _fb && _index in _fb[ 'forms' ]) ? _fb[ 'forms' ][ _index ].getItem(p[ 0 ]+'_'+p[ 1 ]) : null, inst = _dp._getInst( e ), minDate = _dp._determineDate( inst, _dp._get( inst, 'minDate'), null), maxDate = _dp._determineDate(inst, _dp._get(inst, 'maxDate'), null), dateFormat = _dp._get(inst, 'dateFormat'), date = _dp.parseDate(dateFormat, v, _dp._getFormatConfig(inst)); if( item != null ) { return this.optional( e ) || ( ( minDate == null || date >= minDate ) && ( maxDate == null || date <= maxDate ) && item._validateDate( $( e ).datepicker( 'getDate' ), item.working_dates, item.invalidDates ) && item._validateTime( e, item ) ); } return true; } catch( er ) { return false; } }; if(!(date_format in $.validator.methods)) $.validator.addMethod(date_format, validator ); me.set_DefaultDate(); me.set_DefaultTime(); me._set_Events(); me.set_dateTime(); }, val:function(raw) { raw = raw || false; var me = this, e = $( '[id="' + me.name + '"]:not(.ignore)' ), dformat = me.dformat.replace(new RegExp('\\'+me.dseparator, 'g'), '/'); if( e.length ) { var v = e.val(), rt; if(raw) return $.fbuilder.parseValStr(v, raw); if( dformat == 'yyyy/mm/dd' || dformat == 'yyyy/dd/mm' ) rt = '(\\d{4})[\\/\\-\\.](\\d{1,2})[\\/\\-\\.](\\d{1,2})'; else rt = '(\\d{1,2})[\\/\\-\\.](\\d{1,2})[\\/\\-\\.](\\d{4})'; v = $.trim(e.val()); var re = new RegExp( rt+'(\\s(\\d{1,2})[:\\.](\\d{1,2})\s*([amp]{2})?)?' ), d = re.exec( v ), h = 0, m = 0, date; if( d ) { if( typeof d[ 5 ] != 'undefined' ) h = d[ 5 ]*1; if( typeof d[ 6 ] != 'undefined' ) m = d[ 6 ]*1; if( typeof d[ 7 ] != 'undefined' ) { var am = d[ 7 ].toLowerCase(); if(am == 'pm' && h < 12 ) h += 12; if(am == 'am' && h == 12) h -= 12; } switch( dformat ) { case 'yyyy/dd/mm': date = new Date( d[ 1 ], ( d[ 3 ] * 1 - 1 ), d[ 2 ], h, m, 0, 0 ); break; case 'yyyy/mm/dd': date = new Date( d[ 1 ], ( d[ 2 ] * 1 - 1 ), d[ 3 ], h, m, 0, 0 ); break; case 'dd/mm/yyyy': date = new Date( d[ 3 ], ( d[ 2 ] * 1 - 1 ), d[ 1 ], h, m, 0, 0 ); break; case 'mm/dd/yyyy': date = new Date( d[ 3 ], ( d[ 1 ] * 1 - 1 ), d[ 2 ], h, m, 0, 0 ); break; } if( me.showTimepicker ) return date.valueOf() / 86400000; else return Math.ceil( date.valueOf() / 86400000 ); } } return 0; }, setVal:function( v ) { try { v = $.trim(v) .replace( /\s+/g, ' ' ) .split( ' ' ); if(this.showDatepicker) { this.defaultDate = v[ 0 ]; this.set_DefaultDate(); } if(this.showTimepicker) { var t = (v.length == 2) ? v[1] : ((!this.showDatepicker) ? v[0] : false); if(t !== false) { this.defaultTime = t; this.set_DefaultTime(); } } this.set_dateTime(); } catch( err ) {} } } ); $.fbuilder.controls[ 'ftextarea' ] = function(){}; $.extend( $.fbuilder.controls[ 'ftextarea' ].prototype, $.fbuilder.controls[ 'ffields' ].prototype, { title:"Untitled", ftype:"ftextarea", predefined:"", predefinedClick:false, required:false, size:"medium", minlength:"", maxlength:"", rows:4, show:function() { return '
'; }, val:function() { var e = $( '[id="' + this.name + '"]:not(.ignore)' ), v = ''; if( e.length ) { v = e.val(); } return v; } } ); $.fbuilder.controls[ 'fcheck' ]=function(){}; $.extend( $.fbuilder.controls[ 'fcheck' ].prototype, $.fbuilder.controls[ 'ffields' ].prototype, { title:"Check All That Apply", ftype:"fcheck", layout:"one_column", required:false, showDep:false, show:function() { this.choicesVal = ((typeof(this.choicesVal) != "undefined" && this.choicesVal !== null)?this.choicesVal:this.choices.slice(0)); var str = ""; if (!(typeof(this.choicesDep) != "undefined" && this.choicesDep !== null)) { this.choicesDep = new Array(); for (var i=0;i'; } return '
'; }, showHideDep:function( toShow, toHide ) { var item = $( '#'+this.name+'.depItem' ), form_identifier = this.form_identifier; try { if( item.length ) { var parent = item.closest( '.fields' ); parent.find( '.field' ).each( function() { var item = $( this ); if( item.attr( 'dep' ) && item.attr( 'dep' ) != '' ) { var d = item.attr( 'dep' ).split( ',' ); for ( i=0; i'; } return '
'; }, showHideDep:function( toShow, toHide ) { var item = $( '#'+this.name+'.depItem' ), form_identifier = this.form_identifier; try { if( item.length ) { var parent = item.closest( '.fields' ); parent.find( '.field' ).each( function() { var item = $( this ); if( item.attr( 'dep' ) && item.attr( 'dep' ) != '' ) { var d = item.attr( 'dep' ).split( ',' ); for ( i=0; i'+l[i]+''; } return '
'; }, showHideDep:function( toShow, toHide ) { var item = $( '#'+this.name ), form_identifier = this.form_identifier; try { if( item.find( '.depItem' ).length ) { var id = item.attr( 'id' ); item.find( '.depItem' ).each( function() { var item = $( this ); if( item.attr( 'dep' ) && item.attr( 'dep' ) != '' ) { var d = item.attr( 'dep' ).split( ',' ); for ( i=0; i
'+((this._patch) ? '' : '' )+''+this.userhelp+'
'; }, after_show:function() { var me = this; if (typeof message_ffile_accept != "undefined") $.extend($.validator.messages, {accept: $.validator.format(message_ffile_accept)}); if(!('accept' in $.validator.methods)) $.validator.addMethod("accept", function(value, element, param) { if( this.optional( element ) ) return true; else{ param = typeof param === "string" ? param.replace(/,/g, '|') : "png|jpe?g|gif"; var regExpObj = new RegExp(".(" + param + ")$", "i"); for( var i = 0, h = element.files.length; i < h; i++ ) if( !element.files[ i ].name.match( regExpObj ) ) return false; return true; } }); if (typeof cp_hourbk_message_ffile_size != "undefined") $.extend($.validator.messages, {upload_size: $.validator.format(cp_hourbk_message_ffile_size)}); if(!('upload_size' in $.validator.methods)) $.validator.addMethod("upload_size", function(value, element,params) { if( this.optional( element ) ) return true; else{ var total = 0; for( var i = 0, h = element.files.length; i < h; i++ ) total += element.files[ i ].size/1024; return ( total <= params ); } }); $( '#'+me.name ).change( function(){ var h = this.files.length, n = 0; $( this ).siblings( 'span.files-list' ).remove(); $('[id="'+me.name+'_patch"]').remove(); if(1 <= h) { var filesContainer = $(''); for( var i = 0; i < h; i++ ) { (function(i, file){ if(me.preview && file.type.match('image.*') && 'FileReader' in window) { var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = function (e) { var img = $(''); img.attr('src', e.target.result).css('maxWidth', '100%'); if(me.thumb_height != '') img.attr('height', me.thumb_height); if(me.thumb_width != '') img.attr('width', me.thumb_width); filesContainer.append($(''+(n ? ', ' : '')+'').append(img)); n++; }; reader.readAsDataURL(file); } else if(1 < h){filesContainer.append($('').text((n ? ', ' : '')+file.name));n++;} })(i, this.files[i]); } $( this ).after( filesContainer ); } }); } } ); $.fbuilder.controls[ 'fpassword' ] = function(){}; $.extend( $.fbuilder.controls[ 'fpassword' ].prototype, $.fbuilder.controls[ 'ffields' ].prototype, { title:"Untitled", ftype:"fpassword", predefined:"", predefinedClick:false, required:false, size:"medium", minlength:"", maxlength:"", equalTo:"", show:function() { return '
'; }, val:function() { var e = $( '[id="' + this.name + '"]:not(.ignore)' ); if( e.length ) return $.fbuilder.parseValStr( e.val() ); return ''; } } ); $.fbuilder.controls[ 'fPhone' ]=function(){}; $.extend( $.fbuilder.controls[ 'fPhone' ].prototype, $.fbuilder.controls[ 'ffields' ].prototype, { title:"Phone", ftype:"fPhone", required:false, readonly:false, dformat:"### ### ####", predefined:"888 888 8888", predefinedClick:true, show:function() { var me = this, str = "", tmp = this.dformat.split(' '), tmpv = this.predefined.split(' '), attr = ( typeof this.predefinedClick != 'undefined' && this.predefinedClick ) ? 'placeholder' : 'value'; for (var i=0;i
'; } } return '
'; }, after_show: function() { var me = this, tmp = me.dformat.split(' '); $.validator.messages["phone"] = $.validator.messages["digits"]; if(!('phone' in $.validator.methods)) $.validator.addMethod("phone", function(value, element) { if( this.optional( element ) ) return true; else return /^\+{0,1}\d*$/.test(value); }); for (var i = 0, h = tmp.length; i < h; i++ ) { $( '#'+me.name+'_'+i ).bind( 'change', function(){ var v = ''; for( var i = 0; i < tmp.length; i++ ) { v += $( '#'+me.name+'_'+i ).val(); } $( '#'+me.name ).val( v ).change(); } ); if( i+1 < h ) { $('#'+me.name+'_'+i).bind( 'keyup', { 'next': i+1 }, function( evt ){ var e = $( this ); if( e.val().length == e.attr( 'maxlength' ) ) { e.change(); $( '#'+me.name+'_'+evt.data.next ).focus(); } } ); } } }, val:function(raw) { raw = raw || false; var e = $( '[id="' + this.name + '"]:not(.ignore)' ); if( e.length ) return $.fbuilder.parseValStr( e.val(), raw ); return 0; }, setVal:function( v ) { $( '[name="'+this.name+'"]' ).val( v ); v = $.trim( v ).replace( /[^\d]/g, ' ').split( ' ' ); for( var i in v ) $( '[id="' + this.name + '_' + i + '"]' ).val( v[ i ] ); } } ); $.fbuilder.controls[ 'fCommentArea' ]=function(){}; $.extend( $.fbuilder.controls[ 'fCommentArea' ].prototype, $.fbuilder.controls[ 'ffields' ].prototype, { title:"Comments here", ftype:"fCommentArea", userhelp:"A description of the section goes here.", show:function() { return '
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'+( ( !/^\s*$/.test( me.title ) ) ? '


': '' )+'
'; for( var i = 0; i < l; i++ ) { if( !/^\s*$/.test( p[ i ] ) ) { p[ i ] = $.trim( p[ i ] ); str += '
'; } } str += '
'; return str; } }, after_show: function(){ var me = this, p = $.trim(me.fields.replace( /\,+/g, ',') ).split( ',' ), l = p.length; if( l ) { for( var i = 0; i < l; i++ ) { if( !/^\s*$/.test( p[ i ] ) ) { p[ i ] = $.trim( p[ i ] ); me.fieldsArray.push( p[ i ] + me.form_identifier ); $( document ).on( 'change', '#' + p[ i ] + me.form_identifier, function(){ me.update(); } ); } } $( document ).on( 'showHideDepEvent', function( evt, form_identifier ) { me.update(); }); $( '#cp_calculatedfieldsf_pform'+me.form_identifier ).bind( 'reset', function(){ setTimeout( function(){ me.update(); }, 10 ); } ); } }, update:function() { for ( var j = 0, k = this.fieldsArray.length; j < k; j++ ) { var i = this.fieldsArray[ j ], e = $( '[id="' + i + '"]'), tt = $( '[ref="' + i + '"]'); if( e.length && tt.length ) { //var t = $( '#' + i ).closest( '.fields' ).find( 'label[for="'+i+'"]' ).text(), var t = $( '#' + i ).closest( '.fields' ).find( 'label:first' ).html(), v = []; e.each( function(){ var e = $(this); if( /(checkbox|radio)/i.test( e.attr( 'type' ) ) && !e.is( ':checked' ) ) { return; } else if( e[0].tagName == 'SELECT' ) { v.push( $(e[0].options[ e[0].selectedIndex ]).attr( 'vt' ) ); } else { if( e.attr( 'vt' ) ) { v.push( e.attr( 'vt' ) ); } else if( e.attr( 'summary' ) ) { v.push( $( '#' + i ).closest( '.fields' ).find( '.'+e.attr( 'summary' )+i ).html() ); } else { v.push( e.val() ); } } } ); try { if (t.substring(t.length-1)=='*') t = t.substring(0, t.length-1); if (t.substring(t.length-1)==':') t = t.substring(0, t.length-1); } catch (e) {} tt.find( '.cff-summary-title' ).html( ( /^\s*$/.test( t ) ) ? '' : t ); tt.find( '.cff-summary-value' ).html( v.join( ', ' ) ); if (v.join( ', ' ).trim()=="") tt.addClass("emptyvalue"); else tt.removeClass("emptyvalue"); if( e.hasClass( 'ignore' ) ) { tt.hide(); } else { tt.show(); } } } } }); $.fbuilder.controls[ 'datasource' ] = function(){}; $.fbuilder.controls[ 'datasource' ].prototype = { isDataSource:true, active : '', list : { 'database' : { databaseData: '', queryData : { active: 'structure', query: '', value: '', text: '', table: '', where: '', orderby: '' }, getData : function( callback, p ) { var url = document.location.href, data = $.extend( {}, this.queryData ); if( data.active == 'structure' ) { data.where = btoa(p.replaceVariables( data.where )); data.orderby = btoa(p.replaceVariables( data.orderby )); } else { data.query = p.replaceVariables( data.query ); } $.ajax( { dataType : 'json', url : url, cache : false, data : $.extend( { ahbqeaction1b0f65fa84b66f139dd5: 'K0JkQmI4WU5TYzJtWkRoV0d0c2lrQzR6ZU1sVlN3U2s3VlQySndac0JNVT0=' }, this.databaseData, data ), success : function( data ){ callback( data ); 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} }, initcacheOpenHours: function() { var me = this; for (j=0;j=arr[i].t2) arr[i].t2 += 24 * 60; } if (me.ignoreUsedSlots) var data2 = $.merge(data1.slice(0),[]); else { me.usedSlots[d] = me.usedSlots[d] || []; var data2 = $.merge(data1.slice(0),me.usedSlots[d]); var t = $.datepicker.parseDate("yy-mm-dd", d); t.setDate(t.getDate() - 1); var bd = $.datepicker.formatDate("yy-mm-dd", t); me.usedSlots[bd] = me.usedSlots[bd] || []; for (var i=0;i me.usedSlots[bd][i].h2 && me.usedSlots[bd][i].h2!=0) || me.usedSlots[bd][i].h2>24) { if (me.usedSlots[bd][i].h1>me.usedSlots[bd][i].h2) me.usedSlots[bd][i].h2 += 24; var obj = jQuery.extend({}, me.usedSlots[bd][i]); obj.h2 = me.usedSlots[bd][i].h2 - 24; obj.h1 = 0;obj.m1 = 0; obj.d = d; data2[data2.length] = obj; } } } for (var i=0;idata[i].t2) data[i].t2 += 24 * 60; } if (typeof cp_hourbk_cmpublic !== 'undefined') data = me.getSplittedSlots(data,s); data = me.getCompatSlots(data); for (var i=0;icapacity_service || (data[i].service.length==0 || (data[i].service.length && data[i].service[0]!=s))) //|| (!me.avoidOverlaping && (data[i].quantity+me.quantity_selected>capacity_service && (typeof data[i].serviceindex === 'undefined' || data[i].serviceindex==s)) )) || (!me.avoidOverlaping && ((data[i].quantity+me.quantity_selected>capacity_service && data[i].serviceindex==s) || typeof data[i].serviceindex === 'undefined') )) { for (var j=0;j arr[j].t1) && (data[i].t1 < arr[j].t2) && (data[i].t2 > arr[j].t1) && (data[i].t2 < arr[j].t2)) { var v1 = {t1:arr[j].t1, t2:data[i].t1, h1:arr[j].h1, h2:data[i].h1, m1:arr[j].m1, m2:data[i].m1}; var v2 = {t1:data[i].t2, t2:arr[j].t2, h1:data[i].h2, h2:arr[j].h2, m1:data[i].m2, m2:arr[j].m2}; arr.splice(j, 1, v1, v2); j--; } else if ((data[i].t1 > arr[j].t1) && (data[i].t1 < arr[j].t2)) { arr[j].t2 = data[i].t1; arr[j].h2 = data[i].h1; arr[j].m2 = data[i].m1; } else if ((data[i].t2 > arr[j].t1) && (data[i].t2 < arr[j].t2)) { arr[j].t1 = data[i].t2; arr[j].h1 = data[i].h2; arr[j].m1 = data[i].m2; } else if ((data[i].t1 <= arr[j].t1) && (data[i].t2 >= arr[j].t2)) { arr.splice(j, 1); j--; } } } } for (var i=0;i=0;i--) { if ($.datepicker.parseDate("yy-mm-dd",arr[i].day).getTime()+arr[i].t2*60*1000 <= currenttime) arr.splice(i, 1 ); else if ($.datepicker.parseDate("yy-mm-dd",arr[i].day).getTime()+arr[i].t1*60*1000 <= currenttime) { var st = arr[i].t1;//var st = arr[i].t1 + duration + me.pb + me.pa; while ($.datepicker.parseDate("yy-mm-dd",arr[i].day).getTime() + st*60*1000 <= currenttime) { if (!me.bSlotsCheckbox) st += me.bduration; else st += duration + me.pb + me.pa; //st += duration + me.pb + me.pa; } var m1 = st % 60; var h1 = (st - m1)/60; arr[i].t1 = st; arr[i].h1 = h1; arr[i].m1 = m1; } } } if (me.maxDate!=="" && me.getMaxDate!="") { var current = me.getMaxDate; var currenttime = current.getTime()+me.tzf(d)*60*60*1000; for (var i=arr.length-1;i>=0;i--) { if ($.datepicker.parseDate("yy-mm-dd",arr[i].day).getTime()+arr[i].t1*60*1000 >= currenttime) arr.splice(i, 1 ); else if ($.datepicker.parseDate("yy-mm-dd",arr[i].day).getTime()+arr[i].t2*60*1000 >= currenttime) { var et = arr[i].t1; while ($.datepicker.parseDate("yy-mm-dd",arr[i].day).getTime() + (et + duration)*60*1000 <= currenttime) et += duration; var m2 = et % 60; var h2 = (et - m2)/60; arr[i].t2 = et; arr[i].h2 = h2; arr[i].m2 = m2; } } } for (var i=arr.length-1;i>=0;i--) if (arr[i].t1+duration + me.pb + me.pa > arr[i].t2 || arr[i].t1 > 24*60) //if (arr[i].t1+duration > arr[i].t2 || arr[i].t1 > 24*60) arr.splice(i, 1 ); return arr; }, formattime: function(t,mt)/*mt=2 for database 09:00*/ { if (t<0) t+=(24*60); t = t % (24*60); var h = Math.floor(t/60); var m = t%60; var suffix = ""; if (mt==0) { if (h>12) { h = h-12; suffix = " PM"; } else if (h==12) suffix = " PM"; else { if (h==0 && mt!=2) h=12; suffix = " AM"; } } return (((h<10)?((mt==2)?"0":"0"):"")+h+":"+(m<10?"0":"")+m)+suffix; }, formatString: function(obj,showdate,tz) { var me = this; tz = tz * 60; if (typeof obj.st === 'undefined') obj.st = obj.h1*60+obj.m1*1; if (typeof obj.et === 'undefined') obj.et = obj.h2*60+obj.m2*1; var str = ""; if (showdate) { var d = $.datepicker.parseDate("yy-mm-dd", obj.d); if (tz!=0) { if (obj.st+tz<0) d.setDate(d.getDate() - 1); else if (obj.st+tz>24*60) d.setDate(d.getDate() + 1); } str += ""+$.datepicker.formatDate(me.dateFormat, d)+" "; } str += (showdate?"":""); str += me.formattime(obj.st+tz,me.militaryTime)+(me.showEndTime?("-"+me.formattime(obj.et+tz,me.militaryTime)):""); str += (showdate?"":""); return str; }, getCurrentSlots: function(arr,d,s) { var me = this; var duration = parseFloat(me.services[s].duration); var html = ""; var htmlSlots = new Array(); var pb = 0; var pa = 0; var v = false; var capacity_service = me.services[s].capacity; if (true) { var compactUsedSlots = me.getCompatSlots(me.htmlUsedSlots[d]) for (var i=0;i=capacity_service && compactUsedSlots[i].serviceindex==s) if (compactUsedSlots[i].serviceindex==s) { compactUsedSlots[i].st = compactUsedSlots[i].h1 * 60 + compactUsedSlots[i].m1; compactUsedSlots[i].t = $.datepicker.parseDate("yy-mm-dd",compactUsedSlots[i].d).getTime()+compactUsedSlots[i].st*60*1000; compactUsedSlots[i].html = ""; var v = false; if (me.minDate!=="" && me.getMinDate!="") //check with the min date { var current = me.getMinDate; var currenttime = current.getTime()-me.tzf(d)*60*60*1000; if (compactUsedSlots[i].t > currenttime) { v = true; } } else v = true; if (v) { if (compactUsedSlots[i].quantity>=capacity_service || compactUsedSlots[i].currentSelection) compactUsedSlots[i].html = '
'+me.formatString(compactUsedSlots[i],false,me.tzf(d))+''+((typeof compactUsedSlots[i].e !== 'undefined')?"
'; compactUsedSlots[i].availableslot = false; htmlSlots[htmlSlots.length] = compactUsedSlots[i]; } } } } if ((typeof specialPadding === 'undefined')) { pb = me.pb; pa = me.pa; } for (var i=0;i= et) et += 24 * 60; st += me.pb; while (st + duration + me.pa <=et && st < 24 * 60) { html = ""; htmlSlots[htmlSlots.length] = {availableslot:true,st:st,serviceindex:s,h1:Math.floor((st)/60),m1:((st)%60),h2:Math.floor((st+duration)/60),m2:((st+duration)%60),html:html,t:$.datepicker.parseDate("yy-mm-dd",arr[i].day).getTime()+st*60*1000}; if (!me.bSlotsCheckbox) st += me.bduration; else st += me.bduration + pa + pb; } } htmlSlots.sort(function(a, b){ if ((typeof cp_hourbk_cmpublic !== 'undefined') && (a.t == b.t)) { if ((typeof a.quantity !== 'undefined') && (typeof b.quantity === 'undefined')) { b.html = b.html.replace("ahbslotavailabilityP",(capacity_service - a.quantity)); b.quantity = a.quantity; } else if ((typeof b.quantity !== 'undefined') && (typeof a.quantity === 'undefined')) { a.html = a.html.replace("ahbslotavailabilityP",(capacity_service - b.quantity)); a.quantity = b.quantity; } } return a.t - b.t }); //remove duplicates htmlSlots = htmlSlots.reduce(function(field, e1){ var matches = field.filter(function(e2){return e1.html== e2.html}); if (matches.length == 0){ field.push(e1); }return field; }, []); htmlSlots = htmlSlots.reduce(function(field, e1){ var matches = field.filter(function(e2){return e1.t== e2.t}); if (matches.length == 0){ field.push(e1); } else { for (var i=0;i0 && htmlSlots.length>0) for (var i=0;i=me.cacheArr[d][i].t2) me.cacheArr[d][i].t2 += 24 * 60; if (st<=me.cacheArr[d][i].t1 && et>=me.cacheArr[d][i].t1) htmlSlots[htmlSlots.length] = jQuery.extend({}, me.cacheArr[d][i]); } for (var i=0;me.usedSlots[d] && i=me.usedSlots[d][i].t2) me.usedSlots[d][i].t2 += 24 * 60; if (st<=me.usedSlots[d][i].t1 && et>=me.usedSlots[d][i].t1) htmlSlots[htmlSlots.length] = jQuery.extend({}, me.usedSlots[d][i]); } } return htmlSlots; } var day = $.datepicker.parseDate("yy-mm-dd", d); if (this.tzf(d)==0) { me.htmlUsedSlots[d] = setHtmlUsedSlots(d,0,24); var arr = this.getAvailablePartialSlots(d,[{h1:0,m1:0,h2:0,m2:0}],s); } else if (this.tzf(d) > 0) { day.setDate(day.getDate() - 1); var d1 = $.datepicker.formatDate("yy-mm-dd",day); var arr = $.merge(this.getAvailablePartialSlots(d1,[{h1:0,m1:0,h2:24-this.tzf(d),m2:0}],s),this.getAvailablePartialSlots(d,[{h1:24-this.tzf(d),m1:0,h2:24,m2:0}],s)); me.htmlUsedSlots[d] = $.merge(setHtmlUsedSlots(d1,24-this.tzf(d),24), setHtmlUsedSlots(d,0,24-this.tzf(d))); } else { day.setDate(day.getDate() + 1); var d1 = $.datepicker.formatDate("yy-mm-dd",day); var arr = $.merge(this.getAvailablePartialSlots(d,[{h1:0,m1:0,h2:this.tzf(d)*-1,m2:0}],s),this.getAvailablePartialSlots(d1,[{h1:this.tzf(d)*-1,m1:0,h2:24,m2:0}],s)); me.htmlUsedSlots[d] = $.merge(setHtmlUsedSlots(d,this.tzf(d)*-1,24), setHtmlUsedSlots(d1,0,this.tzf(d)*-1)); } me.slotsDate[c] = arr; return arr; }, getAvailableSlots: function(d) { var me = this; var c = "s"+(me.showAllServices?"":me.service_selected)+"q"+me.quantity_selected+"d"+d; if (me.tzf(d)==0 && typeof me.slotsDate[c]!== 'undefined') return me.slotsDate[c]; var a_max = []; if (!me.showAllServices) a_max = this.getAvailableSlotsByService(d,me.service_selected); else { me.availableSlotsByService[d] = []; for (var i=0; i< me.services.length;i++) { me.availableSlotsByService[d][i] = this.getAvailableSlotsByService(d,i); if (me.availableSlotsByService[d][i].length > a_max.length) a_max = me.availableSlotsByService[d][i].slice(0); } } me.slotsDate[c] = a_max; return a_max; }, rC: function(d) { var me = this; var day = $.datepicker.formatDate('yy-mm-dd', d); var c = new Array(day,"d"+day); if (me.working_dates[d.getDay()]==0 && ($.inArray(day, me.special_days) == -1)) c.push("nonworking","ui-datepicker-unselectable","ui-state-disabled"); for( var i = 0, l = me.invalidDates.length; i < l; i++ ) { if (d.getTime() === me.invalidDates[i].getTime() && ($.inArray(day, me.special_days) == -1)) c.push("nonworking","ui-datepicker-unselectable","ui-state-disabled","invalidDate"); } if (me.minDate!=="" && me.getMinDate!="" && day < $.datepicker.formatDate('yy-mm-dd', me.getMinDate)) c.push("nonworking","ui-datepicker-unselectable","ui-state-disabled","beforemindate"); if (me.maxDate!=="" && me.getMaxDate!="" && day > $.datepicker.formatDate('yy-mm-dd', me.getMaxDate)) c.push("nonworking","ui-datepicker-unselectable","ui-state-disabled","aftermaxdate"); if (($.inArray("ui-datepicker-unselectable",c)==-1) && !me.emptySelectCheckbox || (me.emptySelectCheckbox && $(".fieldCalendarService"+me.name+" select option:selected").index() > 0 )) { var arr = me.getAvailableSlots(day); if (arr.length==0 && me.notShowBookedDate) c.push("nonworking","ui-datepicker-unselectable","ui-state-disabled","notavailslot"); if (typeof cp_hourbk_cmpublic !== 'undefined') { var used = 0; var cclass = c.join(" "); var q = 0; var total = 0; if (!me.showAllServices) { var htmlSlots = me.getCurrentSlots(arr,day,me.service_selected); for (var i=0;i0)/*compatible with old version*/ { if (!me.openhours[0].name) { var obj = {name:"Default",openhours:me.openhours.slice(0)}; me.openhours = new Array(); me.openhours[0] = obj; } me.allOH = new Array(); me.allOH = me.openhours.slice(0); me.openhours = new Array(); } var dd = ""; if (me.initialapp!="") { try{ var s = me.initialapp.split(";"); var s2 = ""; var ind = 0; for (var i=0;i 0 ))) { $( '#field' + me.form_identifier + '-' + me.index + ' .slotsCalendar'+me.name ).html(""); return; } function getSlots(d) { var data1 = me.cacheArr[d]; var duration = me.duration; me.bduration = me.duration; if (!me.bSlotsCheckbox) me.bduration = me.bSlots*1; var arr = me.getAvailableSlots(d); var nextdateAvailable = $.datepicker.parseDate("yy-mm-dd", d); var c = "s"+(me.showAllServices?"":me.service_selected)+"q"+me.quantity_selected; var s = $( '#field' + me.form_identifier + '-' + me.index + ' .slotsCalendar'+me.name ); var i =0; if (me.notShowBookedDate && (me.maxNumberOfApp==0 || me.allUsedSlots.length0 ) { e.datepicker("setDate", nextdateAvailable); me.getD = nextdateAvailable; onChangeDateOrService($.datepicker.formatDate("yy-mm-dd", nextdateAvailable)); } else { e.datepicker("setDate", me.getMinDate); s.html("
"); } return; } me.service_change = false; function getStrSlots(arr,d,s) { var str = ""; var htmlSlots = me.getCurrentSlots(arr,d,s); var capacity_service = me.services[s].capacity; for (var i=0;i
'; } } if (str=="") str = cp_hourbk_nomore_label; var before = ""; if (s.find(".slots").length>0) { before = s.find(".slots").attr("d"); } s.html("
"+$.datepicker.formatDate(me.dateFormat, $.datepicker.parseDate("yy-mm-dd", d))+"
"); if (before!="" && before!=d) { s.find(".slots span:first").hide().show(200); } var str1="",str2=""; me.allUsedSlots = me.allUsedSlots || []; me.allUsedSlots.sort(function(a, b){ return ($.datepicker.parseDate("yy-mm-dd", a.d).getTime()+(a.h1*60+a.m1)*60*1000) - ($.datepicker.parseDate("yy-mm-dd", b.d).getTime()+(b.h1*60+b.m1)*60*1000)}); j = 0; var total = 0; for (var i=0;i"+me.formatString(me.allUsedSlots[i],true,me.tzf(d))+""+me.services[me.allUsedSlots[i].serviceindex].name+"("+me.allUsedSlots[i].quantity+")["+(cp_hourbk_cancel_label?cp_hourbk_cancel_label:'cancel')+"]"+(((typeof cp_hourbk_repeat !== 'undefined'))?showrepeat(me,i):"")+""; str2 += ((str2=="")?"":";")+me.allUsedSlots[i].d+" "+me.formattime(me.allUsedSlots[i].h1*60+me.allUsedSlots[i].m1*1,2)+"/"+me.formattime(me.allUsedSlots[i].h2*60+me.allUsedSlots[i].m2*1,2)+" "+me.allUsedSlots[i].serviceindex+" "+me.allUsedSlots[i].quantity; if (me.allUsedSlots[i].d==d) j++; } me.sub_cost = total; total = me.sub_cost + me.extras; total = total*(1+me.percent/100); total = total.toFixed(2); if (me.showTotalCost && (str1!="")) str1 += '
'+cp_hourbk_cost_label+' '+me.showTotalCostFormat.replace("{0}", total)+'
'; $( '.usedSlots'+me.name ).html(str1); $( '#field' + me.form_identifier + '-' + me.index + ' #'+me.name ).val(str2); $( '#field' + me.form_identifier + '-' + me.index + ' #tcost'+me.name ).val(total); $( '#field' + me.form_identifier + '-' + me.index + ' #'+me.name ).change(); try { $( "#fbuilder .slots div a" ).tooltip({ position: { my: "left top+10" }, open: function (event, ui) { $(this).tooltip( "option", "content", $(this).parent().find(".ahbmoreinfo").html() ); }, tooltipClass: "ahbtooltip" }); } catch (e) {} $( '.slotsCalendar' + me.name + ' .slots a').off("click").on("click", function() { var q = parseFloat($(".fieldCalendarService"+me.name+" select.ahbfield_quantity option:selected").val()); if ((me.maxNumberOfApp==1 && me.allUsedSlots.length==me.maxNumberOfApp) || (me.allUsedSlots.length>0 && me.allUsedSlots[0].quantity!=q && !me.allowDifferentQuantities)) //cancel previous slot { for (var i = 0; (idata[i].h2 && data[i].h2!=0) || data[i].h2>24) { if (data[i].h1>data[i].h2) data[i].h2 += 24; var obj = jQuery.extend({}, data[i]); obj.h2 = data[i].h2 - 24; obj.h1 = 0;obj.m1 = 0; var d = $.datepicker.parseDate("yy-mm-dd", dd); d.setDate(d.getDate() + 1); obj.d = $.datepicker.formatDate("yy-mm-dd", d); data[i].h2 = 24; me.cacheArr[obj.d] = me.cacheArr[obj.d] || []; me.cacheArr[obj.d][me.cacheArr[obj.d].length] = obj; } } me.slotsDate = []; me.loadOK = true; } }); } this.invalidDates = this.invalidDates.replace( /\s+/g, '' ); try{ var df = "mm/dd/yy"; if (this.invalidDates.indexOf(".")!=-1) df = me.dateFormat; if( !/^\s*$/.test( this.invalidDates ) ) { var counter = 0, dates = this.invalidDates.split( ',' ); this.invalidDates = []; for( var i = 0, h = dates.length; i < h; i++ ) { var range = dates[ i ].split( '-' ); if( range.length == 2 ) { var fromD = $.datepicker.parseDate(df,range[ 0 ]), toD = $.datepicker.parseDate(df,range[ 1 ]); while( fromD <= toD ) { if (fromD !== null) { this.invalidDates[ counter ] = fromD; var tmp = new Date( fromD.valueOf() ); tmp.setDate( tmp.getDate() + 1 ); fromD = tmp; counter++; } } } else { for( var j = 0, k = range.length; j < k; j++ ) { if ($.datepicker.parseDate(df,range[ j ]) !== null) { this.invalidDates[ counter ] = $.datepicker.parseDate(df,range[ j ]); counter++; } } } } } } catch (e) {} if ($.validator.messages.date_format && $.validator.messages.date_format!="") me.dateFormat = $.validator.messages.date_format; var capacity = 1; for (var i=0;i'+me.services[i].name+''; me.services[i].capacity = (parseFloat(me.services[i].capacity)>0)?me.services[i].capacity:1; if (capacity'+ str ; var str2 = ""; for (var i=1;i<=me.services[0].capacity;i++) str2 += ''; d.html('

'); me.service_selected = me.normalizeSelectIndex($(".fieldCalendarService"+me.name+" select.ahbfield_service option:selected").index()); me.quantity_selected = parseFloat($(".fieldCalendarService"+me.name+" select.ahbfield_quantity option:selected").val()); me.duration = parseFloat(me.services[me.service_selected].duration); me.pa = me.services[me.service_selected].pa * 1 || 0; me.pb = me.services[me.service_selected].pb * 1 || 0; $(".fieldCalendarService"+me.name+" select.ahbfield_service").bind("change", function() { me.service_change = true; me.service_selected = me.normalizeSelectIndex($(".fieldCalendarService"+me.name+" select.ahbfield_service option:selected").index()); me.duration = parseFloat(me.services[me.service_selected].duration); me.pa = me.services[me.service_selected].pa * 1 || 0; me.pb = me.services[me.service_selected].pb * 1 || 0; //me.cacheOpenHours = new Array(); me.special_days = me.getSpecialDays(); var str2 = ""; for (var i=1;i<=me.services[me.service_selected].capacity;i++) str2 += ''; $(".fieldCalendarService"+me.name+" select.ahbfield_quantity").html(str2); me.quantity_selected = parseFloat($(".fieldCalendarService"+me.name+" select.ahbfield_quantity option:selected").val()); if (typeof me.getDMin!='undefined') me.getD = me.getDMin; $( '#field' + me.form_identifier + '-' + me.index + ' .fieldCalendar'+me.name ).datepicker( "option", "beforeShowDay", function(d){return me.rC(d)} ); onChangeDateOrService($.datepicker.formatDate('yy-mm-dd', me.getD)); }); $(".fieldCalendarService"+me.name+" select.ahbfield_quantity").bind("change", function() { if (!me.allowDifferentQuantities) { me.quantity_selected = parseFloat($(".fieldCalendarService"+me.name+" select.ahbfield_quantity option:selected").val()); me.allUsedSlots = me.allUsedSlots || []; for (var i=0;i=arr[j].t1 && s.h2*60+s.m2*1<=arr[j].t2) find = true; } me.usedSlots[s.d] = me.usedSlots[s.d] || []; f = false; for (var j=0;j=0 && parseFloat(a[0]) < 24 && parseFloat(a[1])>=0 && parseFloat(a[1]) < 60 ) me.getMinDate = new Date(me.getMinDate.getFullYear(),me.getMinDate.getMonth(),me.getMinDate.getDate(),parseFloat(a[0]),parseFloat(a[1])); } e.datepicker("option", "minDate", me.getMinDate ); e.datepicker("setDate", me.getMinDate); } if (me.maxDate!=="") try{me.getMaxDate = $.datepicker._getMinMaxDate( e.data('datepicker'), 'max' ); me.getMaxDate.setHours(23, 59, 59, 999);} catch (e) {} if (typeof hrsMax !== 'undefined') { var t = new Date(); me.getMaxDate.setHours(t.getHours(), t.getMinutes(), t.getSeconds()); me.getMaxDate = new Date((me.getMaxDate.getTime() + hrsMax * 60 * 60 * 1000) ); } try{ if (me.defaultDate!=="") e.datepicker("setDate", me.defaultDate); } catch (e) {} e.datepicker("option", "maxDate", me.maxDate ); if (me.getMaxDate!="" && me.tzf($.datepicker.formatDate("yy-mm-dd",me.getMaxDate))!=0) e.datepicker("option", "maxDate", new Date(me.getMaxDate.getTime()+me.tzf($.datepicker.formatDate("yy-mm-dd",me.getMaxDate))*60*60*1000) ); me.tmpinvalidDatestime = new Array(); try { for (var i=0;i -1 ) return false; if (me.working_dates[date.getDay()]==0) return false; return true; } var sum = 0; for (var i=0;i0) { var nextdateAvailable = e.datepicker("getDate"); var i = 0; while (!DisableSpecificDates(nextdateAvailable) && i<400) { nextdateAvailable.setDate(nextdateAvailable.getDate() + 1); i++; } e.datepicker("setDate", nextdateAvailable); me.getD = nextdateAvailable; function ifLoadOk() { if (!me.loadOK) setTimeout(ifLoadOk,100); else { $( '#field' + me.form_identifier + '-' + me.index + ' .fieldCalendar'+me.name ).datepicker( "option", "beforeShowDay", function(d){return me.rC(d)} ); onChangeDateOrService($.datepicker.formatDate('yy-mm-dd', me.getD)); $( '#field' + me.form_identifier + '-' + me.index + ' .fieldCalendar'+me.name ).datepicker( "option", "beforeShowDay", function(d){return me.rC(d)} ); } } ifLoadOk(); } preselect_service = function(v) { $(".fieldCalendarService"+me.name+" select.ahbfield_service").children().removeAttr("selected"); if (me.emptySelectCheckbox) $(".fieldCalendarService"+me.name+" select.ahbfield_service").children().eq(v+1).prop('selected', 'selected').change(); else $(".fieldCalendarService"+me.name+" select.ahbfield_service").children().eq(v).prop('selected', 'selected').change(); } if (typeof cp_hourbk_preselect !== 'undefined' && cp_hourbk_preselect!="") preselect_service(cp_hourbk_preselect*1); else if (me.initialapp!="" && dd!="") { try{ me.getD = $.datepicker.parseDate("yy-mm-dd",dd); e.datepicker("setDate", me.getD); preselect_service(me.initialServiceInd); onChangeDateOrService(dd); } catch (e) {} } getExtrasVisible = function(f) { try{ var p = f.attr("id").split( '_' ); var items = $.fbuilder[ 'forms' ]["_"+p[p.length-1]].getItems(); for (var i=0;i 1 ) ? '_'+p[ 1 ] : '', me = ( typeof $.fbuilder[ 'forms' ] != 'undefined' && typeof $.fbuilder[ 'forms' ][ _index ] != 'undefined' ) ? $.fbuilder[ 'forms' ][ _index ].getItem( p[ 0 ]+'_'+p[ 1 ] ) : null; if( me != null ) { $.ajax({ dataType : 'json', type: "POST", url : document.location.href, data : { cp_app_action: 'get_slots', formid: me.formId, initialID: me.initialID, formfield: me.name.replace(me.form_identifier, "") }, success: function(data) { var overlapping = false; var find = false; me.ignoreUsedSlots = true; me.cacheArr = new Array(); for (var i=0;i=t2) find = true; } if (!find) { overlapping = true; if (msg == "") msg = "
Affected times:
"; msg += "
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'+ '
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