This medicine is used to relieve withdrawal symptoms and reduce the cravings for nicotine that you get when you try to stop smoking or when you are cutting down the number of cigarettes you smoke while trying to stop smoking. The treatment is for adult smokers 18 years and above.
Nicorette Cools 2 mg Lozenges are suitable for smokers who have a low nicotine dependency e.g., who either have their first cigarette of the day more than 30 minutes after waking up or who smoke 20 cigarettes or less per day.
Nicorette Cools 4 mg lozenges are suitable for smokers with high nicotine dependency e.g., those smoking their first cigarette of the day within 30 minutes after waking up or those who smoke more than 20 cigarettes per day.
This medicine can help you give up smoking straightaway or to cut down smoking before stopping completely. If you think you can stop smoking straightaway, then you should. However, if you feel this is a too big step, then you may wish to try cutting down the amount of cigarettes you smoke as a first step before stopping completely.
Nicorette Cools relieves the nicotine withdrawal symptoms, including cravings, you get when you stop smoking. When your body suddenly stops getting nicotine from tobacco, you get hit by different kinds of unpleasant feelings called withdrawal symptoms, such as irritability, feeling angry or low, anxiety, restlessness, poor concentration, increased appetite or weight gain, urges to smoke (craving), night time awakening or sleep disturbance. The nicotine in Nicorette Cools can help prevent or reduce these unpleasant feelings and cravings for smoking.
To improve the chances of helping you to stop smoking, also seek counseling advice and support.