Oral-B Essential floss provides advanced flossing action for a fresh, clean feeling in your mouth.
Brushing alone can’t get to all the hard-to-reach places where plaque builds up. But Oral-B Essentialfloss can. This unwaxed floss hosts a two-layered design that provides superior strength and comfort and with its shred-resistant texture, it slides easily between your teeth and below the gumline.
Used morning or evening when you brush, it helps clean the tough-to-get plaque away. Essentialfloss helps your gums and your teeth stay healthy.
Features of Oral-B Essentialfloss unwaxed dental floss 50m
- Cleans where your brush can’t reach
- Comfortable to handle, even when wet
- The satin-like finish is gentle on gums and fingers for your comfort
- Shred-resistant
- Easy to insert, so you can reach even the tightest spots
- Unwaxed